Thursday, May 21, 2009

Book Review: '1984' by George Orwell

To someone having personal experience with the “Chinese Cultural Revolution” (or at least some second-hand experience from accounts of the older generation), this book was no political fiction, this book was political fact.
China in the 60s and 70s of the last century, resembled Oceania in its domestic life to an astonishing degree: fanatic worship and blind loyalty to the “Great Leader”, unfounded hatred to other countries with different ideologies, constant fear of all-out nuclear war with other major powers, fabrication of production numbers, denouncement of family members with suspected unorthodox thinking, destroy of all objects symbolizing the “Old Culture”, simplification of the traditional Chinese characters, and many more.
The “Chinese Cultural Revolution” is a closer resemblance to Oceania than the “Russian Great Purge” and the “Pol Pot Genocide”, as the latter two focused more on eliminating political heretics, rather than stupefying the general population through brainwash.
The first simplified Chinese edition didn’t come until 1985, and was positioned as anti-USSR book, and was classified as “Internal Material” only meant for certain group. It didn’t popularize in China until early 21 century.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


看了冯小刚的"非诚勿扰". 被其中一段情节打动. 本来想把这段的对白搜出来贴了, 却无意中找到了一篇相关的评论. 倒好, 省得我自己写了. 就是写,也不见得比人家写的好.

【非诚勿扰】邬桑的眼泪 ----逆风青鸟


















Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Movie Review: Slumdog Millionaire

This movie tells a story of inequality, the unequal right to access wealth, and more cynically, the unequal right to compete in an already unequal world.

The "slumdog" Jamal was denied of the possibility of lasting until the final stage of the contest, even if this just could happen out of sheer chance, simply because he is "Jamal, the slumdog".

What a joke, and how sad such a joke is?

It is all too convenient to charge the price of such "misfortune" to a society dominated by a caste-based religion and with a history of hundreds of years of foreign invasion and colonization; and it is also all too easy to flatter the public opinion by dressing up a million-dollar-story with a purer motive of love. It would be harder to provoke your audience with the idea that they may share the very same prejudices.

I barely finished the movie, I barely had to.

Vincent Van Gogh

He cut off his left ear and sent it to a prostitute; he shot himself in the chest and lingered a slow death two days later. All these would be considered at least "bizarre" even in the modern democratic West, let alone the Victorian Europe he lived.

He was a genius. A genius is destined, or even "meant" to be misunderstood by his contemporaries.

It was not a tragedy, it was a fate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Read This if You are a Parent

Read this if you are a parent:

"I was driven mad by the Chinese education system"

Cannot totally agree with the author, especially on the proposed solution of "keeping housewives busy, and automatically seeing kids back to being creative and independent" part. But I must say there is at least some truth in it: parents' tends to bring their own social anxiety into the their children's education.

For long, parents have been conveniently blaming the country or the education system for pushing their poor kids too hard, without realizing they are far more influential to their kids than all the other factors combine. Parents are their kid's first role model. Kids look at their parents for feedback for almost everything do and constantly adjust the way they think and behave. So if a girl killed herself because she got 4 marks lesser than the topper of her class, it is her parents convincing her it deserve such significance. Not the country, not the education system, but the parents are to be blamed.

Parents, you are the role model, lead with action!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Movie Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I used to hear someone said, "Live looks clearer through the rear-view mirror." How about "through the wind shield on a revising car"?

Benjamin led such a curious life. He lived the same world as we are, yet his world was heading the opposite direction as he was. So instead of a life-long journey, he lived in brief moments, when his life and his world intersected, and long gaps between those moments. Those gaps are his curse as while as his blessing. They took away good parts of his time, but gave him long stretches to reflect on life's sweetness and bitterness through their after-tastes. Throughout the movie, we lived those "moments", but felt those "gaps", and that allows us to look at the world through his eyes: the world of life and death, the world of love and longing and the world of hope and despair.

Benjamin fell victim of his own tragedy. Forest Gump "chose" to run, and "chose" to stop. Benjamin had no other choice but to cruise along.