Thursday, May 21, 2009

Book Review: '1984' by George Orwell

To someone having personal experience with the “Chinese Cultural Revolution” (or at least some second-hand experience from accounts of the older generation), this book was no political fiction, this book was political fact.
China in the 60s and 70s of the last century, resembled Oceania in its domestic life to an astonishing degree: fanatic worship and blind loyalty to the “Great Leader”, unfounded hatred to other countries with different ideologies, constant fear of all-out nuclear war with other major powers, fabrication of production numbers, denouncement of family members with suspected unorthodox thinking, destroy of all objects symbolizing the “Old Culture”, simplification of the traditional Chinese characters, and many more.
The “Chinese Cultural Revolution” is a closer resemblance to Oceania than the “Russian Great Purge” and the “Pol Pot Genocide”, as the latter two focused more on eliminating political heretics, rather than stupefying the general population through brainwash.
The first simplified Chinese edition didn’t come until 1985, and was positioned as anti-USSR book, and was classified as “Internal Material” only meant for certain group. It didn’t popularize in China until early 21 century.

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